Monthly Archives: October 2021

Institutionalization and the capturing of the human psyche.

Revelations 18:23 Amp

“And never again will the light of a lamp shine in you, and never again will the voice of the bridegroom and bride be heard in you; for your merchants were the great and prominent men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived and misled by your sorcery [your magic spells and poisonous charm].”

Many years ago, centuries ago in fact, children were raised and taught by their parents. As society grew and skills transfer was needed, learning centers were created. Eventually, schooling as we know it today was mandated. Schools were generally considered to be a good thing with children learning many valuable skills that enabled them to be good contributing members of society, get a job, start a business and contribute to the economy.

Unfortunately, very few people ever questioned ‘what’ the children were being taught. Teachers and School Principals were seen as ‘valued’ members of society, and everyone trusted them to have the best interests of their children at heart. As the years progressed, so did ‘education’. Education became more and more complex with ridiculous testing and examinations, increased social pressure, dictated curriculums and rules that often make no sense. In the 21st century schools have become cesspools of ‘sex, drugs and rock and roll’. But the social degeneration is merely the tip of the iceberg…

The main aim of the schooling system has become indoctrination. Children are not taught how to think but what to think. They are taught how to solve problems by only using approved techniques. They are told versions of history that suit the mainstream narrative. They are taught scientific principles that only exist in theory. They are taught how to become contributing members of society, but only within the societal rules and framework. Out of the box thinking really isn’t encouraged if we are honest and individual logic and reason has been replaced by group think.

Liberalism would be the Siamese twin of indoctrination. School teach that ‘You must accept that there are 134 genders. You must accept that individualistic behavior is offensive. You must obey the teacher who is allowed to tell you that God does not exist. You must not speak out against abortion. You may not voice your opinion over homosexuality. You must not have an opinion outside the approved parameters of thought.’

You will be cancelled, jeered, demonized and ostracized if you don’t comply.

Further to this ridiculous amount of programming is the issue of forcing sexuality on young minds. ‘Never mind math, here is a book on homosexual sex.’ Approved for ages 8 and up.

You will fit in or else.

With the Covid madness that has captured the world in the last 20 months, I have asked many questions. Chief among these is ‘why’:

  • Why are people simply accepting what the media and politicians tell them?
  • Why do healthcare professionals not speak out?
  • Why are Doctors pushing a narrative that is false?
  • Why are laboratories using testing methods that are flawed?
  • Why is a dangerous injection being accepted as a silver bullet?
  • Why do people wear masks, social distance and profusely sanitize?
  • Why are so few individuals asking questions?

I have had many conversations about these questions. Some positive, some negative. But in all of these conversations I encountered only a few ‘free thinkers’ (cliché yes, I know). I classify a ‘free thinker’ as a person who is able to see through the web of lies, through the fog of war, a person who is able to look at data, analyze it and make an informed decision. A critical thinking, logical, reasoning individual. I have discovered that these skills are few and far between and again my question was, why?

It hit me like a ton of bricks.


The action of establishing something as a convention or norm in an organization or culture”

People have been taught what to think, how to feel and how to react. Ask them about it and they will say “No, I can think for myself”, but they have not considered how they have been influenced. They simply regurgitate news headlines and are completely unable to see truth, no matter how it has been presented. They have been completely institutionalized.

We live in a society of systems and sub systems. Each was created with the aim to regulate economies and industries. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but who regulates the regulators? Who decides what goes and what is blocked? When we really start digging, we can see that every single aspect of our existence has been influenced. Every sector, almost every occupation is part of a system designed to enslave, bind, and influence humans. Strict ‘rules’ have been put in place to ensure that the system is tightly controlled.

Diving Deeper:

The first or top tier would have to be government. (No I am not going into the rabbit hole of the ‘elite’ that sit above governments) Governments govern, or so they tell us. Governments have various departments that ‘run’ sectors of the country’s economy such as health, finance, education, safety & security and so forth. Each of these departments also play a role in regulating the specific industry and may produce a legal framework under which the industry is ‘allowed’ to operate. Again, not a bad idea in itself, but if the buck stops with government, we can be pretty sure that there are going to be issues.

The systems of the world, the economies, the sectors have all been designed so people do not ask questions. Lawmakers sit at the top, massive corporations fund them, education institutions obey them, authorities oversee them and create cookie cutter sheep (staff) that will fit nicely into the sheep pen of society.

As a simple example, let’s look at the medical industry:

  1. In the United States, four federal agencies account for 629 regulatory requirements that health systems, hospitals and post-acute care providers must comply with: (
  2. There are over 30 bodies with ‘oversight’ of the healthcare industry in the United States (

All good right?

My mom is a retired scrub sister / nurse. That means, during surgery, she assisted the Doctor. Preparing the operating room, handing him utensils and in some instances doing minor surgeries, close up wounds and “Considers potential complications and creates a plan of action if the team has to take lifesaving measures”. She knew what she was doing.

Over the years she has related many stories of how Doctors have made decisions that have compromised the safety of patients. When questioned, the Docs would simply stamp down their authority and loudly exclaim ‘I am the Doctor! You will do as you are told’. Sometimes with good consequences, sometimes not so good.

I mention this because we need to understand that most doctors, nurses, pharmacists, virologists and other healthcare practitioners are completely institutionalized. They do not question the norm. They do not question the science. When they do, they are reprimanded, shut down and cancelled. Some lose their jobs, some resign. The majority of ‘scientists’ will endorse the views and opinions of their funders and true science is dead.

The entire medical industry has been institutionalized.

Consider pharmacists. Do they ever ask the right questions to the pharmaceutical reps? Do they question the science? The efficacy? The side effects? Mostly, no. If its ‘FDA Approved’ then who am I to question it. They simply trust the system. Big Pharma is all about saving lives, right? Vaccines work right?

If we consider these vast systems that have been designed to control the world, it all hinges on one, single, aspect – Education. The education sector holds the key to this pit we are in. It started in primary school by priming our children for life as a sheep and continues well into tertiary education circles.

  • You cannot become a lawmaker, lawyer or judge if you don’t have an ‘approved’ qualification’
  • You cannot become a police officer if you don’t have an ‘approved’ qualification’
  • You cannot work in the medical industry without an ‘approved’ qualification’
  • You cannot work in government (well, not in any occupation that holds any kind of authority) without an ‘approved’ qualification’

Control the curriculum and you control the people. Teach them what to think and you control how they behave.

The Media is another part of the puzzle. My parents watched the news religiously every night. They learned to trust the voices. Trust the impartiality. Trust the objective reporting. Sadly, over time, corporations have taken over and influenced the narrative. Those that grew up trusting the media have been fooled. They have taken the bait. Hook, line and sinker.

2020 – 2021

We make fun of and jeer those that wear masks, that cover themselves head to toe in protective gear. But the reality of what they are facing is far more concerning. They believe, with every ounce of their being, that there is a deadly virus about to destroy mankind. They honestly believe the media, because they were taught to do so. They believe the doctor on TV because, well, he’s a doctor and I’m not. They simply trust and believe. It’s the sad reality of the world we are living in. Yes, we can mock that they cannot think for themselves. Yes, we can mock that they are living in fear… ‘but for the grace of God, there go I’.

The world has lost the plot. The world has gone mad. Yes, we know this. The Bible has predicted this. Idolatry is everywhere. People literally worship politicians, news outlets and Doctors.

And when in Babylon and faced with all her idolatry, the Bible is quite clear…

Revelation 18:4 Amp

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not be a partner in her sins and receive her plagues;

(Rev 18:23 – The word for ‘sorcery’ in the Ancient Greek is Pharmakeia)

God Bless you as you seek His Face.